Ribuan Exhibitors Siap Ramaikan TEI 2019

Pojok Bisnis

TEI is an international B2B-focused trade show that is designed to boost export product growth and export market expansion. TEI brings up the theme “Moving Forward to Serve The World” to promote quality products made in Indonesia for the global market, develop business networks, and investment.

With more than 1000 exhibitors, Trade Expo Indonesia presents numerous carefully-categorized products, encompassing Local Champion Products, Premium & Creative Products, Manufacturing Products & Services, Food & Beverage Products, Furniture & Home Decor.

Along with the exhibition, TEI also presents a series of parallel activities consisting of Trade, Tourism and Investment Forum, Business Matching, Business Counseling, Regional Discussion, Overseas, and Local Trade Mission, Export Start-Up Competition, and Talk Show.


PT Mitra Mortar indonesia

For more information and registration, visit: tradexpoindonesia.com

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